17 de mayo de 2022• English
The researcher from EfD-Chile Jorge Dresdner together with co-authors, Roberto Cárdenas and Adams Ceballos, studied the effects of...
Real-time analysis, alarms and automatic detection of possible damage to road structures are part of the benefits of the project created...
The Mapuche dramaturgy published during the last years in Chile is characterized by the presence of a rich selection of poetic, visual,...
Constituent Forum is the initiative that follows the process of creating the new Constitution of the country, contributing to citizen...
16 de mayo de 2022• English
Covid-19 made visible a series of inequalities in the territories, among them the little accessibility to green areas and quality public...
Remote work forced companies to reorganize themselves in order to maintain operational continuity. But, in what areas have they been most...
Editorial, English
Medio Ambiente
Cultura y Sociedad
Cultura y Sociedad, English