Long-range sneezes
A study on COVID-19 conducted by the Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR) of the Universidad de Concepción (UdeC), the UdeC Faculty of Engineering, and the engineering company MSET determined that microdroplets from sneezes can travel up to 11 meters in urban areas with mid-intensity wind before touching the ground.
Under suspicion in a single click
The UdeC Telecovid-19 Project was established through an alliance between the UdeC Telemedicine Unit and the Biobío Regional Government; the Regional Ministry Secretariats (Seremi) of Health and of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation; the National Network of Universities; REUNA; local universities, and the Concepción Regional Medical College. This platform, accessible at coronavirus.udec.cl, provides all that need it the opportunity to receive guidance and factual information about the disease, as well as determining if the patient might be a suspected carrier of the virus.
Hambre post pandemia
A mediados de abril, el director ejecutivo del Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) de Naciones Unidas, David Beasley, entregó un oscuro panorama futuro sobre la alimentación global, anunciando que el mundo vivirá una situación de hambruna de “proporciones bíblicas” en cuestión de meses. Paralelamente la FAO publicó un informe que da luces sobre el futuro de la pesca y acuicultura para la alimentación global. Entre los autores del texto figura un investigador del Núcleo Milenio INVASAL de la UdeC.
Water challenges in the time of COVID-19
Water scarcity worldwide is a known problem, but combating the coronavirus through frequently washing our hands, clothes, and surfaces has further revealed water’s value. It is now more important than ever to communicate the challenges and new knowledge constantly arising in relation to the availability of this vital resource.