Mes: septiembre 2024



Los entornos naturales de Chile se revelan como plataformas excepcionales para la investigación, constituyendo un valioso patrimonio nacional.

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Editorial, English

Chile's natural environments are revealed as exceptional platforms for research, constituting a valuable national heritage....

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Smart agriculture in fruit fields

Medio Ambiente

Improving crop yields, enhancing product quality, supporting decision-making, and reducing supply costs are just some of the advantages of...

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UdeC Geology Museum: history of history

Cultura y Sociedad, English

A long history of scientific studies from our university inspires this science’s development in the country

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Museo de Geología UdeC: historia de la historia

Cultura y Sociedad

Una larga trayectoria de estudios científicos desde nuestra casa de estudios inspira el desarrollo de esta ciencia en el país...

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Connected through indigenous heritage

Arte y Educación, English

The Mapuche professor and filmmaker Francisco Huichaqueo, while on a teaching fellowship at Brown University, in the United States,...

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Technology to listen to the volcanoes

English, Medio Ambiente

What happens inside a volcano? A network of infrasound sensors accurately monitoring activity inside the massifs to anticipate emergencies...

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Tecnología para oír a los volcanes

Destacada, Medio Ambiente

¿Qué ocurre al interior de un volcán? Una red de sensores de infrasonido permite monitorear la actividad dentro de los macizos con gran...

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The improbability of life

Cosmos, English

More than 70 years ago, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi asked why have we still not found evidence of other civilizations in the universe. His question inspires the search for extraterrestrial life, although the odds are reduced when considering catastrophic astrophysical processes

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